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The Empty Office Podcast
The Empty Office Podcast - Season 2, Episode 17

The Empty Office Podcast - Season 2, Episode 17

Sen. Löki Gale Tobin and Mike Mason are joined by Sen. Forrest Dunbar to talk about major pieces of energy legislation under consideration by the Alaska State Legislature.

During this episode of The Empty Office Podcast, Sen. Tobin and Mike Mason delve into the energy issues facing the Alaska State Legislature with Sen. Forrest Dunbar from Anchorage. Sen. Dunbar is in his first term in the State Senate and sits on the Senate Resources Committee, which has been working all session on energy policy.  

During the interview, Sen. Dunbar addressed several core pieces of legislation focused on different aspects of energy policy in Alaska, including carbon storage and emissions, electricity transmission upgrades, and royalty relief for Cook Inlet natural gas producers.

One of the major issues addressed during the interview was the successful effort in the Senate Resources Committee to close the current loophole in Alaska’s tax structure that allows privately held oil and gas companies like Hilcorp to evade approximately $175 million per year in corporate income taxes. Unfortunately, that provision was stripped out of House Bill 50 in the Senate Finance Committee.

Sen. Forrest Dunbar and Sen. Löki Gale Tobin photographed on the Senate floor on May 9, 2023.

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The Latest
The Empty Office Podcast
Breaking down the interworkings of the Alaska State Senate.